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White Wizzard
Shawn P
Witch King
Azuran Boneshade
knight reaper
Death Eater




White Reaper
Player ID: 91353
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 91
Energetic immunity : 113
Trade sense : 58
Briskness : 111
Initiative : 88
Defence : 250
Attack : 405
Power : 87
Luck : 52
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 60
Principle of Cyclicity = 67
Principle of Syntropy = 326
Principle of Light = 159
Darkness Principle = 69
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Battle stats
Won: 922 | Lost: 1367
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance


  • Became alliance leader of the Savelite's Church during Spring Festival 2009 while still MP4.

My name is White Reaper.

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I was born a man in 1870. By the time I was 30 I was blessed with a wife. Soon after we married she got pregnant with my son. Six months later my wife got very ill; the doctor said she was going to die, so would my son. He said there was nothing I could do.

I prayed and prayed, my prayers went unanswered. One night wile sitting out side on my porch a strange man approached me, he knew of my wife and son and asked me if I would like for them to live. I quickly spoke up and said yes. He said he could help me but there was something he wanted in return. I told him there was nothing I would not do.

One hundred years of service to him was the deal. I did not ask what I would have to do, I just said yes. The next morning my wife was feeling great, I was so happy I forgot about the deal I had made. I got on my  horse and road in to town to get supplies.

I never returned...

I became a dark reaper, reaping souls for the man I now knew as the devil. After a few years my  wife and son died in a house fire.

The years passed slowly and I could not wait for the day I would be free. Eventually that day finally came. I was released from my service... but cursed to roam the lands as a White Reaper.

Now I reap the souls of evil until I get the chance to reap the only soul that matters to me ... Satan's. Until then the evil souls I reap I keep on a cord I wear around my neck. These souls give me great power which I use to fight evil.

Some of my creatures
White Fire Majestic Winderwild Chaos Archer BloodPact Dark Archer III Grasan Huvourer Knator War Master Master Lorerootian Archer The Reaping Rustgold Drachorn BloodPact Dark Archer II Reaper Archer


The Way Of The Reaper
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    (Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
  • Respect your enemy.
  • Show no mercy.
  • Do whatever you have to do to win.
  • Take your time.
  • Attack anyone you can.
  • Attack often.
  • Always follow the code of a warrior. 
  • Never under estimate the enemy.
  • Train every day.

Page 328 - The Inner Sun - Bo.
Bootes exits Sage’s Keep, squinting a moment at the bright light. He greets people as he walks the streets of Marind Bell on his way towards No Man’s Land. His stroll is short and leisurely. He watches as various groups train and spar or go about their business. Bootes finally arrives as the Howling Gates and takes in the bleak scene set before him and takes a few cautious steps and then enters Necrovion. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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